Maryland Lawyers
You probably never thought it would happen to you but now you've been charged with drunk driving. Driving under the Influence (DUI) and Driving While Impaired (DWI) are serious offenses in the State of Maryland. You stand to lose a lot. Your driver’s license is confiscated on the spot and you may also pay fines, lose points, risk losing your driving privileges for up to 4 months or longer, be required to attend DUI driver education classes, have your auto insurance rates sky-rocket, and even spend time in jail. The consequences can be severe. Our Maryland criminal lawyers/ DUI lawyers help people with DUI, DWI and drunk driving related issues get the best possible outcome.
There is a common misconception that a Maryland drunk driving case against you is hopeless, and that there is no use investigating or even fighting the charges. The truth is that there is a lot that could happen - your drunk driving case can be dismissed or your charges could be reduced. For example, just because you were charged with DUI or DWI does not mean the government can prove their case. The government might have evidence, witness credibility or availability issues, or other legal issues that prevent them from being able to prove that you are guilty. In addition, there are many instances when a police officer’s acts, or failure to comply with detailed procedures when making an arrest, creates a valid defense allowing your DUI or drunk driving case to be dismissed.
On top of all of this, DUI chemical testing is not an exact science, and can be grossly misleading. The process is prone to errors and the assumptions used can make the test results and conclusions misleading. Without an experienced criminal lawyer/DUI lawyer investigating your case, you may never know if there is something there that can exonerate you.
Contact the Maryland criminal/DUI attorneys at Edwards Phillip Amourgis, PC to see whether you have a case. The initial, no-obligation, consultation is free.
We understand that this is probably the first time that you have contact with the criminal justice system. It is a serious and frightening thing. Most people do not know the complex Maryland DUI/DWI laws. There are specific deadlines for requesting hearings, and certain rights that police must advise you of, not only upon arrest, but also at other times such as before being given a preliminary breath test.
Our DUI lawyers will work on your behalf to minimize the criminal penalties against you, or to avoid a conviction altogether. We can help you to keep or to regain your driver's license. There are many technical defenses to DWI/DUI charges, and it is important to begin to work on your defense as early as possible. We can subpoena breath-testing device records in order to determine whether the equipment was functioning properly when you were administered the chemical test. We can subpoena witnesses to testify on your behalf. We will make sure that MVA deadlines and court deadlines are met. Now is the time to get a Maryland DUI lawyer/ criminal lawyer. Call us or complete our on-line form. We will respond immediately and will schedule your FREE no-obligation initial consultation.
Feel free to read through the information in our site and then send us your contact information. A Maryland criminal lawyer/DUI lawyer will get in touch with you and immediately schedule your FREE consultation.
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